As I was just laying out in the sun, I can't help but think back to a few months ago when I couldn't even lay down comfortably with all my braces. I couldn't get dressed by myself, I couldn't shower by myself, I couldn't walk, I couldn't cook. It was awful. And I think of where I am today, brace free, jumping, cooking, typing, walking to class; I can't help but think of how blessed I am to be alive.
I shouldn't be alive. I should have been crushed beneath my car. The blood clot between my skull and my scalp could have been on my brain. I could have gotten an infection in the shattered bones of my broken arm. I could have turned out a lot worse. For only expecting 80% of my function back, I currently have close to 90% of it back, and I gain a little more every week!

I'm blessed to have the amazing friends that I have. The first week I was in the hospital, Andi, and Rich came up every night but one, each time bringing other friends of ours, Nichole, Dustin, and Chelsea. Jacob also made it a point to come see me as often as possible. Every day I received letters, cards, flowers, Facebook messages, or visitors wishing me nothing but the speediest of recoveries. My aunt and Grandma came up, my cousins took part of their honeymoon to come see me, my mom stayed with me every night, my dad came up every day after work with my little sister, even my brother called to check in on me. I had the most amazing support system I could have ever asked for.
Not to mention the incredible swiftness of the Peru Volunteer Fire and Rescue team for getting me out from under my car and to the hospital as soon as they did, the skill of the pilot that life-flighted me to Lincoln, and the care of the doctors and nurses in the ER at both Auburn and Bryan LGH East, as well as the skill of the surgeons who operated on me.

Of course I have many blessings not relating to my accident, too! I have amazing friends like Jacob, who I can talk to at any time about any thing. I have friends like Nichole and Andi who are always around for a good laugh. I have Rich, who is always there to cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I have Megan, who I can look to for advice and guidance, and also do fun crafty projects with. I have family like my grandma, who will always take me in and just let me sit when I need a moment, providing tea and cookies until my heart's content. I have my mom, who I can tell anything without fear of persecution or punishment (at first anyhow). I have my dad, who is always up for a crappy movie at any time of the day or night. I have my baby sister, Risa, who shows me what
I'm like, and also how to maintain childlike innocence. I was raised in a wonderful community of people who support and care for each other. I went to a good high school and was part of a superior band and an excellent choir. I currently attend a lovely little school, where I have made some awesome friends and taken some great classes.
I've been incredibly blessed in the last year, to say the least. I've made great friends, went great places, and lived through incredible circumstances.
I can't wait to see what the next year has to bless me with!