We're not lost, we're taking the scenic route," is one of my most/least favorite things to hear on long car rides. My mother always has the latest edition of a big laminated atlas with our route drawn out, but we don't necessarily go that way. This leads to some pretty awesome adventures. You get to see sights that you would have otherwise missed, but you also end up being late getting to wherever it is you're traveling, which is not generally a big deal.
That's kind of how my life is. I have all these big ideas and plans, but they don't generally go that way. A road is closed or we take a wrong turn; a kink gets thrown in my plan or I realize it's not what I want. Things happen. Life happens. But it leaves you with some super crazy awesome memories, that's for sure.
Who cares where you are when you're traveling? |
I don't think the physical location of my person is very important most of the time. I like being places and experiencing things. I like traveling and moving, I like the craziness of being unstable. It's a constant adventure. Unfortunately, I'm still in school, and that means I need to stay put so I can go to classes and all that yucky stuff. But rest assured that the day after our graduation, a mere 163 days away from this very day (
click here to see the nifty countdown I have going!), I will be packing my things into my cute little mom car and preparing myself for some epic adventure. I
will go do something and experience all life has to offer. I will go to seek my very own 'great perhaps'. (If you didn't catch that reference, go read Looking for Alaska and figure out your life. Also, it's a quote of François Rabelais.)
In the mean time, I'm here. "Here" is kind of a boring place in the middle of Nebraska. Most people have never even heard of Aurora, let alone Murphy. That makes sense though, because Murphy is technically not a town anymore. Yet for the handful of us that still claim Murphy as our home sweet home, it's a very real place. We may only be comprised of a church, an elevator, a few families, and more corn and cows than we can count, but we are still there! I live on the only non-highway blacktop road in the area, North K Road. I could probably drive that road with my eyes closed, and I probably have just to prove my point.
"Here" is also Aurora High School, the place where I have spent more time at than my home in the last four years. It is the last leg of the marathon of schooling that is the Aurora school system, beginning with elementary school, moving on to middle school, and now, finally concluding with high school. It is where I have met a very large amount of my friends, and where I keep many many memories of days gone by.
Welcome to Nerdfightaria, my friend! |
"Here" is also Nerdfightaria. Nerdfightaria isn't necessarily a physical location so much as Utopia that many people believe in.
This video and it's comments can describe this place much better than I can, so instead, I'll inform you about Nerdfighting in general.
Nerdfighters are followers of the Vlogbrothers, two brothers (John and Hank Green) that dared each other to go 365 days without communicating via text.One day, Hank posted a song about Harry Potter that gained a lot of attention, and followers came. We are people who are made up of awesome. Like, instead of bones and tissue and blood, we're just a lot of awesome. We believe in decreasing world suck by doing things like
Project For Awesome and helping people who need help. Overall, we are a group of internet friends that want the world to be better when we're done with it. A world that's more tolerant of each other and more educated about things that matter.
But "here" is only relatively stable. I mean, up to this point I've moved quite a bit. Never anything super drastic, but enough that I never had an opportunity to settle into a house. That's one thing about my mother, you never get bored when you live with her because just when you get comfy, you move. But now that I've been living with my father for four years and I'm really comfortable, it's time to move. It's time to leave this place that I've known my whole life and move on to something bigger and better, like college.
So I guess you could say that I don't really know where I am. I'm somewhere on the way between where I started and where I'll end, but I don't know how far into my journey I am or where I'm supposed to end up. It's all up in the air right now, and I'm okay with taking the scenic route.
Wow, Shalyn, I can't believe no one else has commented on your blog because it is all sorts of coolness. You are such a clever girl and it just makes me smile. I love this blog. I love your cool photos (and the cliche ones too). Your countdown is very nice and Project For Awesome has some great humanitarian things going. Decreasing suck is a good goal for this life. Thank you! I hope you are feeling better!
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